Tuesday, June 14, 2016

We have been so excited and engaged in observing our butterflies. Ask me to tell you a few things that I noticed about the butterflies..
- "Butterflies have been flying a lot."
-"I saw the compound eyes."
-"I saw the butterfly camouflage."
-"I saw a butterfly sucking nectar."
-"One is flapping his wings."
-"It was stretching his wings and blood is coming through his wings."
-"Eight butterflies are folding their wings and sitting."
-"I see a butterfly up on the paper towel stuck."
-"I see a butterfly flying."
-"I see 2 antennae with 2 circles."

                                                                Find the butterfly with me..

We drew the life cycle of a butterfly


                 Ask me to explain this to you..






Ask me to explain this to you..

Point to the 3 body parts, how many antenna does the painted lady have?

We read,
Image result for my oh my a butterfly Ask me about my favourite part..

We read, Image result for barbara reid the part and talked about how she adds details to her pictures..
Ask me what does she use to make her illustrations?
Image result for barbara reid the part Ask me about the story...

Image result for barbara reid click on this picture to see the video..

Click on this pictureImage result for barbara reid trees to see the video..

Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen

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