Monday, June 13, 2016

Image result for library clip art Friday, June 10th was the last day to sign out books. Mrs. Reimer is requesting for all the books to be returned to the Learning Commons or paid for if they are lost.  Please make sure all dues are cleared by Monday, June 20th, 2016. Thank you!

All our butterflies have emerged and flying in their habitat. Ask me how did I feel when I saw the butterflies...
  Thank you Grace for bringing a plant for our butterflies!
The students sat around the butterflies and had rich conversations about their observations..


 We observed the compound eyes of the butterflies.... Ruby said, " This butterfly is camouflaged."
Ask me to explain....

We read a few Barbara Reid books and started our plasticine art project..
Image result for the picture tree barbara reid Image result for the picture tree barbara reid

Image result for the subway mouse barbara reid Image result for the subway mouse barbara reid

We also watched a few videos how Barbra Reid's creates beautiful pictures with plasticine..


Image result for barbara reid   Click on Barbra Reid picture to watch the video

Ask me what happened when Mrs. Malik was trying to take picture...
One of the butterflies flew out..        Ask me how we caught the butterfly and put it back in its

Find the proboscis..

Today there was lots of excitement in our Kindergarten classes.

 Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen

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