Friday, June 10, 2016

Today there was lots of excitement in our Kindergarten classes. Ask me about it...
                                                 We saw a butterfly emerge. Point to it and ask
                                     me how do I know?
            Ask me to point to the proboscis..
 Look at the excited young scientists..

We observed our butterflies emerging from the Chrysalis's..
Some of our observations..
Grace: "When the butterfly come out its sticks on the chrysalis."
Royce: "Wings are symmetrical."
Abootie:  "Wings wet."
Zoe: "When they sitting and drinking they fold their wings up."
Joshua: "They fly when the wings are dry."
Ahmed: "When it flies, wings balance it to fly."
Mandy: "I saw the wings was flapping sothe wings can dry.","The butterfly colour was black, orange, grey."
Nursheen: "When butterfly fell down when it was drying because it wasn't holding tight to chrysalis."
Rayne: "When they are drying their wings, they flap their wings."
Stirling:"I saw the wings open and shut."
Myron: One come from a chrysalis, the wings were wet, wait for the wings to be dry." " One was stuck on the paper towel."
Kaysan: "When the butterfly emerges it kind of bleeds." "They flied."
Ruby: " I saw the butterfly fly."
Sara: The butterfly flew down, fall on a branch."
Tyler: "The wings are crumpled when get out of the chyrsalis."
Xaver: "The eyes are compound."
Preston: "I will name my buttertfly."

Ask me how did I feel when  I saw a butterfly emerge..

Ms. Harvey was also excited to hear the young scientists share their learnings about their observations!

The students wanted to know how they were going to get nectar.  Ask me to explain this...
Why did we add food colouring to it?

How we made the nectar and how the sugar get dissolved..

 We brainstormed ideas about how do we know which one is
solid and liquid..
     solid                                                               liquid

 Ask me why didn't the water dissolve in the picture?


point to the camouflaged butterflies..


Find the butterflies..   Look at the beautiful pattern on the wings...
Ask me about my predictions about our experiment?

What was the hypothesis?
  Rayne and Sara made a garden for the butterflies
 Ask me why did they make flowers..

 Zoe wanted to share her learning. She found a black stone and put it against a black background and said, " This is how this stone will camouflage."

We read,

Image result for the ok bookImage result for the ok bookImage result for the ok book Ask me about my favourite part?

We read,Image result for the new friend Ask me to retell you the story..

Image result for early learning quotes
Image result for early learning quotes

 Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen

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