Wednesday, June 1, 2016

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  Image result for pizza 73 Image result for clip art pizza 73
                     We have our pizza lunch tomorrow!

                  As we are learning about life cycles of butterflies and other animals. 
We read,
Image result for caterpillars to butterfly by laura marsh Ask me to explain the life cycle of a butterfly.

Image result for life cycle of a butterfly Ask me  to explain the following science vocabulary
 to you: molting, instar, chrysalis, liquid, transform, emerge, wet wings.

  Ask me about my observations...

We observed our caterpillars ...
- had grown long
-fat and skin was tight
-pokey/hair on their bodies
-legs look like spikes
-they were moving a lot
-food was less
-moltings in the food






Ask me to tell you what I drew about the caterpillars..

We read,Image result for from chick to robin by melvin  Ask me about my favourite part...
What was the colour of the eggs?
  what does Robin have in her mouth and what is she going to do?
Explain what is happening  here.. point to the predator and to the prey
  Why does the dad have his wings spread? what is he afraid of?

Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen

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