Monday, June 6, 2016

After the weekend we were excited to observe our caterpillars
When we left on Friday, only one caterpillar was forming a 'J'
Today all our caterpillars are in chrysalis's except one!

We observed golden spots on the chrysalis's and we can see the last moltings ...

                  Our lonely caterpillar...   waiting  to make a chrysalis

 Curious minds making predictions...

One chrysalis fell down :(     I hope it makes it...      point to the moltings
                                                    Ask me how many times dies a caterpillar molt?
 looking at the details with a magnifying  glass
We read, Image result for butterflies and moths book   and talked about their differences..
Ask me to tell you a few...
Image result for show differences of a moth and a butterfly Image result for butterfly sitting
Point to a moth and ask me how do I know?

Image result for show differences of a moth and a butterfly Image result for show differences of a moth and a butterfly

Image result for life cycle of a butterflyImage result for painted lady chrysalis
Image result for moths cocoon Image result for moth life cycle
                                                                                  moth's cocoon

We drew a moth and a butterfly in our journals...


Ask me to tell you the differences...
-moths have hairy antennae
-butterflies have smooth antennae with a knob at the end
-when sitting a moth spreads its wings
-when sitting a butterfly folds its wings up
-moth makes a cocoon
-butterfly makes a chrysalis


 We also talked about things that are similar...

-Butterfly and Moths drink nectar with a proboscis
-Both have 6 legs
-Lay eggs
-go through a life cycle
Look at the wings and explain which one is a butterfly and how do you know?




 Ask me what is the first thing that a caterpillar eats.. ask me explain the life cycle to you..
We read, 
Image result for goose on the loose We played a rhyming game. Clap when you hear a rhyming word..
Read these words to me and ask me to tell you which rhyme.. loose, play, goose, way, shed, look, bed, book, load, moo, too, day, pool, road, say, cool.

Some learning centres


 Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen

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