Monday, June 20, 2016

Today we worked on our plasticine art project! We are working on making a summer scene with flowers, butterflies and worms.
Ask me how I made the sky and  my grass

    Ask me how I made light blue?

Ask me how I made the clouds and my tulips...

"My bird is going to go and eat some nectar and seeds."

Kaysan decided to make some worms too... " They help the soil."

" My butterfly is sucking nectar."

"Look at my bee."

"Some birds dropped seeds on the grass and now more plants will grow."

We read,
Image result for the princess bedtime by joanne   Image result for silly suzy
Ask me about the story and which was my favourite one?

We read,

Image result for the kittens full moon  What was the problem in this story?
The kitten was Image result for the kittens full moon  running after....

What was she looking for... What lesson do we learn from this story...
Image result for the kittens full moon  Image result for the kittens full moon
Ask me to tell you the ending...

Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen

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