Friday, June 24, 2016

Image result for stampede breakfast  clipartImage result for stampede breakfast 2016Reminders: 
- Stampede Breakfast is on Monday June 27 at 9:00 a.m. 

All families are invited to attend! Dress western if you would like.

- Last day of cl
asses - Monday June 27.
- Report Cards go home on Monday June 27.

Today we had our Little Green thumb Celebration. We had Pitas and watermelon.

Ask me what did I put in my pita...
Ask me if the watermelon was sweet? My favourite food is...

Today, we visited our Community Garden and Ms. Ricki showed us how our plants were growing. We looked at different vegetables that are growing in our garden.
Ask mw which plants did we see?  Who will look after the garden in the summer?

 Our tomato plant

Different kinds of lettuce..

Our parsley                                                       beet root
strawberries..                                            planting Marigolds
sweet peas..

 Image result for journey of learning quotes Image result for journey of learning quotes for childrenImage result for journey of learning quotes for children

We will see you on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen

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