A laptop is located at the school, for your access, from 8:00am - 3:15pm.
CBE Student Learning conferences registration :
CBE Student Learning conferences registration :
-Opens today to Parents -Friday, April 15th at 8:30am
-Closes Thursday -April 21 at 12:00pm
We read, Ask me if this is a fiction or a non-fiction book. Ask me to tell you how do I know that gorilla is a mammal?
Today we had a presentation from Earth Rangers. Earth Rangers is the kids’ conservation organization. Their programs are based on research that indicates that the number one environmental concern for children across Canada is protecting animals from extinction. The organization believe that when children learn about the threats facing animals and their habitats, they are eager to help, but don’t always know how they can make a difference. That’s where Bring Back the Wild program comes in. Information of how to become an Earth Ranger student member was sent home. Click on the Earth Ranger picture and it will take you to a link. Let's go to the website and see what animals did we see today.
We watched a video about animals. Ask me to tell you which animals did I see..
Good audience listening... Ask me to explain what does that look like
Ask me why do we have these tunnels.. Let's observe what is on top of the tunnels..
Some tunnels are built under the roads to keep the animals safe Ask me how can we keep the animals safe...
Chris the presenter had a camera and we could see the close up of the Peregrin Falcon
Ask me to tell you which one is the predator and i which one is the prey..
Ask me to look for shapes on Armadillo's hard skin ( hexagons)
Ask me why does Armadillo curl up in it's hard skin..
Today we learnt more about brown bats. Some of us are excited
and looking forward to seeing bats at the zoo next week.
Ask me what do bats eat. They can eat 500 mosquitoes in a few minutes
Ask me to point to the predator and the prey and explain..
We read this book and talked about how we need to respect each other feelings and use kind words with our friends.
When a friend tells me my painting is not nice. I feel...
Ask me about my favourite part?
We read, Ask me to tell you one fact about the tiger
Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen
We read, Ask me if this is a fiction or a non-fiction book. Ask me to tell you how do I know that gorilla is a mammal?
Today we had a presentation from Earth Rangers. Earth Rangers is the kids’ conservation organization. Their programs are based on research that indicates that the number one environmental concern for children across Canada is protecting animals from extinction. The organization believe that when children learn about the threats facing animals and their habitats, they are eager to help, but don’t always know how they can make a difference. That’s where Bring Back the Wild program comes in. Information of how to become an Earth Ranger student member was sent home. Click on the Earth Ranger picture and it will take you to a link. Let's go to the website and see what animals did we see today.
We watched a video about animals. Ask me to tell you which animals did I see..
Good audience listening... Ask me to explain what does that look like
Ask me why do we have these tunnels.. Let's observe what is on top of the tunnels..
Some tunnels are built under the roads to keep the animals safe Ask me how can we keep the animals safe...
Chris the presenter had a camera and we could see the close up of the Peregrin Falcon
Ask me to tell you which one is the predator and i which one is the prey..
Ask me to look for shapes on Armadillo's hard skin ( hexagons)
Ask me why does Armadillo curl up in it's hard skin..
Today we learnt more about brown bats. Some of us are excited
and looking forward to seeing bats at the zoo next week.
Ask me what do bats eat. They can eat 500 mosquitoes in a few minutes
Ask me to point to the predator and the prey and explain..
We read this book and talked about how we need to respect each other feelings and use kind words with our friends.
When a friend tells me my painting is not nice. I feel...
Ask me about my favourite part?
We read, Ask me to tell you one fact about the tiger
Mrs. Malik & Mrs. Queen
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